Page name: Giffie-Pet Store [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-13 21:47:18
Last author: tomsawyer8648
Owner: Bookwyrm
# of watchers: 265
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


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2006-12-01 [Orochimaru]: ...*shakes head*...bakas

2006-12-01 [Shadowsoul]: oi! watch your language *looks madly at [Orochimaru]* bad....

2006-12-01 [Bookwyrm]: ::eats somebodies toes in a fit of nervousness:: O.O

2006-12-01 [Nytefox]: beat it until it stops moving!

2006-12-01 [Shadowsoul]: what's wrong [Bookwyrm]?

2006-12-01 [Orochimaru]: ...? baka=idiot...

2006-12-01 [Bookwyrm]: ::shrugs:: I just felt like eating someone's toes in a fit of nervousness. ^_^

2006-12-01 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles softly and nods*

2006-12-01 [Orochimaru]: ..really now?

2006-12-01 [Shadowsoul]: yeah *nods*

2006-12-01 [Orochimaru]: ...weird...*bites random passerby*...

2006-12-01 [Shadowsoul]: *giggles*

2006-12-01 [Orochimaru]: ...?

2006-12-01 [phoenixborn]: *is a random passer by* Hey you bit me! Lets see how you like it *bites*

2006-12-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: or how about a himalayan killer fire-bellied hammerhead catsharkrabbit? *creates the enigma with the summoning stick*

2006-12-01 [zoloftzantac]: kick ass catsharkrabbit, I think we should name it ... Fluffy! :D

2006-12-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NONO!!!!!!!!!!! Dory.

2006-12-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: no....doruffy! nawwwww thats an original name. i guess fluffy.

2006-12-02 [Andy8178]: Nonono!! It can't be Fluffy!! It has to be.... uhhh.... Spot!!!

2006-12-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: nobody really names thier pets spot anymore.

2006-12-02 [Andy8178]: Spike?

2006-12-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: nada. i have seen almost nothing but fluffies since ive watched this wiki. i only seen spot once, and that was on a person's house, & only saw spike the bulldog, once.

2006-12-02 [Andy8178]: [Dragunity] Spike is in that house

2006-12-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: spikey.

2006-12-02 [Andy8178]: lol damnit, same thing!!

2006-12-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: nope. it has a Y at the end.

2006-12-02 [Andy8178]: Same thing.

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]:!!!! *attempts to summon [zoloftzantac] with summoning stick*

2006-12-03 [Bookwyrm]: ::[Bookwyrm] appears instead:: DAMNIT! How the HELL did you get a hold of that?! ::grabs stick angrily and stalks off::

2006-12-03 [Orochimaru]: ...0_0'

2006-12-03 [Big Brother]: *is still looking for his stick waking around aimlessly* DAMMIT! until i find my stick i can't do my job!!!

2006-12-03 [Nytefox]: (hides Jon's stick in a place she knows he'll never go)... (innocent look)

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i need more experience with summoning. *reads Summoning ZZ for dummies*

2006-12-03 [Big Brother]: summoning ZZ? all you need is kitty, and Frost, you should know there is no place i will not go.....well if it involves a female....

2006-12-03 [Nytefox]: damnit... oh well. I bet you couldnt find it anyways! ^^

2006-12-03 [Big Brother]: *rips all her cloths off* hmmmm.....i guess i'll start looking for it now *leaves*

2006-12-03 [Nytefox]: eep! (hides in closet)... (tosses Jon's stick back out)

2006-12-03 [Big Brother]: HEY!!! there it is!!! see, that wasn't too hard.

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol. well i summoned someone. can someone solve my dilemma, is the pet's name spikey count as "spike", or is it different?

2006-12-03 [Nytefox]: -.- is that all this was about???

2006-12-03 [Big Brother]: i had a different reason for ripping off your cloths....but as for the name thing....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!?!

2006-12-03 [Nytefox]: (pokes head out of closet)... I was talking about the summoning for a dilema in a name thing... I thought we were gonna have some fun that involved some fighting of some things...

2006-12-03 [Big Brother]: fun fighting things......ya i had that in mind to....

2006-12-03 [Nytefox]: so thanks for ruining my fun enneigard!

2006-12-03 [Big Brother]: *leaves to play FF-12*

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: no no no...i got an idea. whoever answers my question first gets this summoning AXE!!! *holds up summoning AXE*

2006-12-03 [Nytefox]: Morrowind sounds nice to me...

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *gores [Nytefox] with summoning axe* NO! answer....meeeee......

2006-12-03 [Bookwyrm]: Morrowind=PWNED by Oblivion. ^_^

2006-12-03 [Bookwyrm]: Oh and no, Spikey doesn't count as Spike...they're two different names. ^_^ (Just very similar ones). However...some people may call a Spikey "Spike" to shorten the name...

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: YEEEESSSS!!!!! *gives [Bookwyrm] the summoning AXE* use it wisely.

2006-12-03 [Andy8178]: *thinks [Enneigard Rebirth] is a little bitch and thinks Spikey and Spike are so similar that they are the same damn name* ^_^

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: im not a little bitch. your just taller than me.

2006-12-03 [Andy8178]: lol whatever =P

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *eats mushroom & doubles in size, then stomps [Andy8178] to death*

2006-12-03 [Andy8178]: =O *dies*

2006-12-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: bwuhahahaha *smashes levitating boxes with head*

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: ::huggles summoning axe...carefully::

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: (licks own wounds)... I love the entire Elder Scrolls series... Morrowind just happens to be closer to me...

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: ::cough:: Oblivion is still better.

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ::cough:: i have a contageous disease that rots the innards of victims who catch it from the host & anyone who is breathing in the general area..::cough::

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: ::glares at Enneigard, holding up her recently aquired summoning axe...looking positively dwarfed by it...o.O::

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: uh oh...*fliches*

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: (tackles enneigard because she's Argonian and immune to disease and protects him)

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: Fliches? ::giggles::

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: HEY! IM ARGONIAN TOO!!!! COOLNESS

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *looks at mothyr* i thought you were going to hit me with the axe or something.

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: ::blinks:: Me? Are you kidding? I'm a marksman...I just like the way this thing looks beside me.

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: really?!?! Argonian's unite!

2006-12-04 [Andy8178]: What is.... Argonian?

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: They're the lizard like guys in the Elder Scrolls series. I love that race, because everyone hates me at first and have to love me later.

2006-12-04 [Andy8178]: The root of Argonian... is Argon? They are lizards made of Argon?!

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: I dont think so... but have as much fun with it as you want!

2006-12-04 [Shadowsoul]: good luck with your lives everyone

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: hm???

2006-12-04 [Andy8178]: *eats argon* Not only is it radioactive, but it's good for your cancerous cells too!!

2006-12-04 [Orochimaru]: ...0.o'

2006-12-04 [Andy8178]: It was a joke, deal with it.

2006-12-04 [Andy8178]: I want a hairless cat... and I'm going to name it.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Fluffy.

2006-12-04 [phoenixborn]: You could call it anti-fluffy?

2006-12-04 [zoloftzantac]: maybe we need a limit on the length of any single comment :\

2006-12-04 [phoenixborn]: Ah! The dots! My eyes! *is blind*

2006-12-04 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah.... i think thats a good idea...

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: (blinded by the dots)... ahhh!!! it burns! it burns!

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: x_x Agreed ZZ...

2006-12-04 [Fear of the Soul]: yay

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: Oh I don't know if there's anything we could do about it, other than maybe point it out to [Hedda]...and I suppose it's not really a big deal unless we get a lot of people taking advantage of it...x_x

2006-12-04 [zoloftzantac]: I'll be deleting those when ever I see them from now on.

2006-12-04 [Fear of the Soul]: fun fun

2006-12-04 [phoenixborn]: haha you know, i was only playing and would have deleted that myself.

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: Did I miss something? o.o

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: is it okay if they can be...........................this long?

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: Oh don't start Enneigard...-.-

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *cries* why do you look look the other way when me make love? *passes out*

2006-12-04 [phoenixborn]: Um, well i put a long message just out of sarcasm, but ZZ deleted it. lol it's fine though i was expecting it

2006-12-04 [phoenixborn]: Traci! How could you? *kicks Enneigard hard then runs away sobbing*

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: (jumps back in, hoping for a mosh pit to start)

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there kicked, then trips [Nytefox]*

2006-12-04 [Bookwyrm]: ::sighs and walks out:: Oh forget it.

2006-12-04 [Nytefox]: (conviniently on enneigard)

2006-12-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: oh my fucking...god.....*pushes [Nytefox] off*

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: Omfg, I just cause chaos wherever I go!! Haha... Sorry? =P Wait... I like anarchy *smirks knowing that in all reality I'll take over the world one day*

2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: I deleted it because it's a trend I don't want to see continue. I go that it was a joke, and I'm not mad, I just wasn't laughing either :p

*kicks [Enneigard Rebirth]*

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: I don't spam places... I just thought you guys would think it's funny that I would name a hairless cat named fluffy.... but.... I just explained it so I guess it wasn't funny ^_^

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: mmmm....spam *drools*

And i know you weren't mad ZZ. Though i suppose that all depends on the context XD

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: ...would you get mad if we posted porn on here??

2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: heh, poor [Tear], I guess he no longer watches these pages, or if he does he got covered in a mountain of spam

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: Hahahahaha!

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: I would.

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: What about Animal porn?... or more specifically, Pet porn, I mean like hardcore stuff like, cat on dog, turtle on frog kind of stuff!

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: Any of it...personally I find it offensive. -.- (And I'll answer the question before it's asked...Yes, even if it's just a joke).

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: Omg, I was kidding! lol Jeez is my humor THAT hard to understand?

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: Again, it's not that I don't understand your humour, I just don't APPRECIATE it.

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: *pokes Traci* =P *grins*

2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: ehh ... I don't care if you show your cat humping your dog, that might even be pretty funny :p

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: -.-

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: Traci is going to have a heart attack hahaha!

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: Well I already passed out and had to be put on oxygen today...I don't plan on making that a second trip to the doctor/hospital today!!

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: =O I hope you're being full of shit right now! What happened?!

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: Nah, I was having my blood taken (going for my thyroid checkup on Wednesday), and my back was hurting really bad while she was taking it. When she pulled the needle out I knew I was going to pass out. I normally don't get sick, but the pain in my back made me so sick...x_x I just sort of...blacked out. When I was conscious again I was laying on a bed thing in the doctor's office with oxygen tubes in my nose....x_x

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: *wonders who gets to clean the throngs that go in your nose*

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: Ew Andy that's nasty...

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: *giggles* That's pretty funny if you ask me ^_^

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: ::wonders why that information is pertinent:: o.O Oh yeah real felt great too. Like a spring day...::grumps::

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: Oh man, I think you guys would die laughing if you actually hung out with me ^_^ Either that or think I'm an asshole... or both =P

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: Probably both :)

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: *squints* probably, I don't care ^_^

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: awww... I'd love to meet you guys...

2006-12-05 [Andy8178]: Rawr

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: That's my trouble. Most of you guy's don't live so far away from each other (relatively speaking) But i live like 3000 miles from the nearest intelligent civilisation.

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: I'd beg to differ... I think you live the closer to intelligance than I do...

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: Haha intelligence runs away from me. I would have though intelligence would be drawn to me. I thought opposites were supposed to attract XD

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: ::blinks:: Not sure whether to take that as an insult or not...:P

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: And at least you live closer to the people on here. There's a whole lotta water between me and all of you :(

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: Amd it was an insult to myself, implying I was stupid

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: Yes, but in doing so you would be insulting my taste in conversation, seeing as we talk so regularly. :P And normally I try to refrain from truly stupid conversation (hence several people get told "go to hell" each day...)

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: heh, then either I'll move over there, or you can hide in one of the four storage rooms in my basement... there's a bed in each one of them

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: Carefull Traci dear, you wouldn't want me to think you were calling me intelligent now would you? XD

Wow you must have a huge basement!

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: o.O Well I thought it was understood...:P

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: not really... it's actually a very small house compared to around here... then again, everyone here lives in these castles that disgust me (hell, Rip Hamelton lives across the mainstreet and down that road...)... but still, I guess you could say it's a normal house with a lot of extra room.

2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: I know a lot of Elves in the UK ;)

We don't have an ocean of water seperating us, but we do have an ocean of land :\

For me to drive to go see Traci would be like you driving to Moscow :/

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: ouch... that's gotta be annoying as all hell...

2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: thong. is i.

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: Though to drive to moscow i'd have to go the reeeeally long way round. And would probably be shot in 60% of the countries i'd have to go through. At least for you all of the danger would be at the end of the journey (i.e Traci)

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: And hello Enneigard *hugs*

2006-12-05 [phoenixborn]: Or Kyle, if you'd prefer

2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: call me root. *scratches boob*

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: (glomps David and Enneigard)

2006-12-05 [Bookwyrm]: ::cracks whip and then giggles innocently:: I'm no danger to anyone...

2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: (is glomped, naked & tied up)

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: (wonders how you got to be naked)... (thinks many thoughts)

2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: guards wiki.

2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: sorry, my bad :p

2006-12-05 [Nytefox]: I'm curious... (looks)

2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *sits there glomped, naked & tied up* heh.

2006-12-08 [{His Night Wish}]: wow...thats something you'd never think would show up in the giffie-pet wiki ^^;

2006-12-08 [Nytefox]: What are you talking about? this happens all the time when annoying me is around!

2006-12-08 [Orochimaru]:

2006-12-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *scratches* what?

2006-12-09 [Orochimaru]: ...your naked?

2006-12-09 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yes?

2006-12-09 [Orochimaru]: ...*drools*...ok...*leavs*

2006-12-09 [Enneigard Rebirth]: \:O

.....someone get me off this tree. and dont do anything while your getting me off...

2006-12-09 [Orochimaru]: (lol)

2006-12-09 [Nytefox]: (sigh)... (starts to untie enneigard)... (tosses enneigard a blanket) now go get something on!

2006-12-09 [Orochimaru]: ...(lol...why were you naked?)

2006-12-09 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ....i was summoning [Big Brother]....*runs behind a house & begins getting dressed, making sure no one is peaking*

2006-12-09 [Big Brother]: i was summoned??? who am i killing this time??

2006-12-09 [Nytefox]: (shrugs)... who ever you find worthy of dying by your hand?

2006-12-09 [Big Brother]: anyone is worthy!!!!

2006-12-09 [zoloftzantac]: tries to "do nothing" while "getting [Enneigard Rebirth] off" o_O

2006-12-09 [Nytefox]: anyone? I doubt the scum are even worthy of seeing you...

2006-12-09 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *comes out dressed* okay...

2006-12-09 [Big Brother]: are you a dude or a chick??? it doesn't say in your description and your pic changes....

2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: i dunno......looks kinda girly....and made a reference to having no balls....

2006-12-10 [Enneigard Rebirth]: slightly.

2006-12-11 [Andy8178]: Hahaha! ....I'm back!

2006-12-11 [Orochimaru]: pets! ^^

2006-12-11 [Bookwyrm]: pets. ^_^ Some that haven't been stocked in a while, too!

2006-12-11 [Shadowsoul]: i'm back!

2006-12-11 [Orochimaru]: ...yeah...never seen a ferret here before...

2006-12-11 [Andy8178]: Ferret looks cool!

2006-12-11 [Big Brother]: it's not a just looks like it and is labled like it..

in reality it is a blood sucking demon that will jump out and kill you without warning!!!

2006-12-11 [Orochimaru]:

2006-12-11 [Andy8178]: That sounds cool too =P

2006-12-11 [Orochimaru]: idea for a speical pet?

2006-12-11 [Big Brother]: of the special pets.....

2006-12-11 [Orochimaru]: lol...

2006-12-11 [Bookwyrm]: I used to have a one of my other friends has it. o.o As soon as I put him up for adoption she snapped him up. XD

2006-12-11 [Orochimaru]: are cool...

2006-12-11 [phoenixborn]: "it's not a reality it is a blood sucking demon that will jump out and kill you without warning!!!"

Yeah, and the difference is?

2006-12-11 [Big Brother]: i dunno......the name.....

2006-12-11 [Nytefox]: well, I used to have ferrets, they're cool and love me. So i think the difference is one is a "ferret" posessed by a blood sucking demon that will jump out and kill you without warning!!!, and the other is just an ordinary ferret.

2006-12-11 [Andy8178]: uhh rawr?

2006-12-11 [Nytefox]: (shrugs) I never got the point of these "rawr"s

2006-12-11 [Andy8178]: lol... I actually say rawr in real life... it's just something I do to get a cheap laugh... Usually works =P

2006-12-11 [Nytefox]: hehe... I think damnable Michigan is just too odd for these "rawrs"... I mean, we do call "soda" pop

2006-12-11 [Andy8178]: yes, you are weird.

2006-12-11 [Nytefox]: I'm not Michiganian... so I'm not wierd. But I do live near hell...

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